Salt Lake City, a city, surrounded by grand mountains and endless recreational opportunities has been gaining attention as a hub for Millennials. Salt Lake City was recently named one of the best cities for Millennials to live and work! recently published a study that ranked the 50 largest metropolitan areas in the United States according to how they met the needs of three generations: Baby Boomers (ages 55 to 74), members of Generation X (ages 35 to 54), and Millennials (ages 20 to 34). 

Looking at data specific to each generation, focused on criteria that met the needs of each particular generation. For Millennials, median home price, number of entry-level jobs, and the population share of this age group were the criterion for ranking the best and worst cities. Cities that had lower median house prices and more entry-level jobs available were named the best for this generation.

The Millennial population in Salt Lake City is one of the highest in the country, at 32%. For every 100,000 people, there are over 422 jobs for Millennials to obtain. The median home price is at $322,000, which is the third highest in the top ten best cities.

Interested in moving to Salt Lake City?

Another study completed by RentCafe has shown the migration of Millennials from suburbs to urban areas. The study looked at zip codes and population of Millennials. The Salt Lake City zip codes with the highest percentage of Millennials include Central City, Granary District, Central Ninth, Ballpark, and Liberty Park

These neighborhoods provide Millennials more access to everyday needs, restaurants, public transit, and events. The City’s Sustainability Communications Manager, Sophia Nicholas says, “Our millennials realize that living downtown is a fantastic choice if you’re seeking to reduce your impact on the planet: It’s easier to have a lower environmental footprint when you’re living in denser communities. It’s easier, cheaper, and cleaner to use public transportation and to live close to where you work. Multi-family dwellings have lower resource requirements; and there are many local food options—from downtown community gardens to the year-round local farmers’ market.

If Salt Lake City sounds like your next adventure, make sure to stop by Work Hive for a tour of our space. Our workspace straightforward and it’s simple to get started. It only takes one minute to schedule a tour, two minutes to sign up for a membership, and three minutes to see the space and pick your seat. Come see our new productive workspace and join us as you build something for yourself. 

Published in Coworking Blog

These days, the elephant in the office is the fact that Millennials are saturating the departments of long standing, old-fashioned corporations, and a buzzing topic in the blog-o-sphere is what "non-millennial-aged" employees ought to do to adjust.

A lot of the buzz demonizes millennials in that they diminish the "older" employees' significance and contribution to the company.'s Youth, Now magazine featured an article by Ross McCammon, former editor at magazines such as Men's Health and Popular Mechanics, in which he shares seven lessons that he learned from Millennials about work:

  1. Age doesn't matter at all.
  2. Closed offices are not desirable.
  3. Acting old is not good for camaraderie.
  4. Pivoting jobs within a company is acceptable.
  5. Mentorship is not defined by age.
  6. Learn to let things go.
  7. Stay hungry for personal growth.

For McCammon, the real shift was a mental one. He says, "They care how good you are. And how kind. And how willing you are to collaborate. They don’t care how old you are. But they do care about how old you seem." The epitome of the modern flexibility and lack of defined hierarchy within an office space is when McCammon describes mentorship and collaboration with Millennials:

"Help them. Because you know things and have seen things. And you are inured to certain events, like mass layoffs and budget cuts. You know how to cope. Your stalwart attitude is a model. But also admit what you don’t know. There’s nothing more humble than saying to a younger colleague, “You’re better at this than me. You should do it, and I’ll watch.” And there’s nothing more flattering."

When social commentary labels Millennials as evil and "older" employees as antiquated, it is easy to eliminate the possibility in our minds that fruitful collaboration is in fact possible. People of all ages work in open concept offices and decorate their desks just as they would in an old-fashioned closed office, but the source of status is different.

The value is placed on the mission rather than the roles of those serving it.

Wherever you might stand in the debate about Millennials and corporate reorganization, the only real question that it boils down to is:

What can we all offer each other that contributes to the company's mission?

Published in Coworking Blog